Step by step and from faith to faith, we will begin to renovate, update and improve God's house, so the outside reflects what is happening on the inside!
This building fund is patterned after Exodus 35-40.
Ch 35– Moses received the word from God and expressed it to the people, specifically to, “those of a willing heart”. The people, then began to prepare.
Ch 36– They responded by giving abundantly, (time, resources, money, talents), to the point Moses had to ask them to stop. They also chose skilled professionals to do the work.
Ch 37– They began step by step, to build each piece needed. The Ark, the table, the lamp stand etc…
Ch 38– The altar of burnt offerings, the Bronze basin etc…
Ch 39– The priestly garments...
Ch 40– They erected the Tabernacle and the Glory of God came down and filled it!
We have decided to do these renovations by faith, with the Lord's help, by collecting pocket change throughout the year. As the amount for a project is raised, we will hit the ground running to complete each phase, one step at a time. If you would like to help in the renovation, you may give in person, by placing your change in the bucket at the back of the auditorium, by filling out an envelope and placing it in the offering plate, or by giving online through our website. Thank you for your help! May God bless your efforts as you strive to serve HIM!